

    • Questionnaire élaboré dans le cadre du projet "Oc/Oïl : textes, identité et contact de langues aux confins gallo-romans" (programme Émergence(s) de la Ville de Paris) et de l’Opération VC2 - "Au cœur de la Gallo-Romania : caractérisation linguistique et environnementale d’une aire de transition" ("Labex EFL, Axe 3). La zone du Croissant linguistique correspond à la frange Nord du Massif Central. Les parlers gallo-romans qu'on y pratique traditionnellement (et dont les locuteurs ont généralement plus de 70 ans) présentent simultanément des traits typiques des variétés d'oc et d'oïl.


    • I created this questionnaire for my master's dissertation at the Université Paris-Diderot and the University of Edinburgh (Erasmus), under the supervision of Prof Agnes Celle. I organised a short field trip in the Scottish Borders in early January to get as much data as possible. It was an invaluable experience and more of these concrete experimental methods should be encouraged in the future.

      Special thanks are due to Dr Anthony Bour (University of Freiburg) for providing basic guidelines in the creation of the questionnaire. 


    • This questionnaire, which was published as an appendix to an article, was designed to elicit gender indexicality in grammar, based on a typological survey of the phenomenon in 41 indigenous South American languages, as well as with the goal of "encouraging and facilitating research on genderlects" (Rose, 2015 : 1).

      Broadly defined, 'gender indexicality' refers to the way speakers give clues about their gender within a speech situation.
      In this article, 'gender idexicality' refers to the gender of the addressee, or both the speaker and the addressee.


    • "This questionnaire was originally compiled for the 2000 East Nusantara Linguistics Workshop, held 21-23 July 2000 at the Australian National University, Canberra. The questionnaire was distributed to participants who were asked to complete it and submit their responses to the organisers prior to the workshop. The completed responses formed the basis for discussion in a day-long session. The questionnaire is based on features known or thought to occur in the languages of the East Nusantara region, which includes eastern Indonesia, East Timor, and Papua." (Florey, 2006: 1)


    • "We are interested in gathering as many independent reports covering as many languages as possible, including multiple reports on the same language, which would enhance the reliability of the data and also would allow us to validate the pertinence of the questions we are asking. We are also interested to begin to create time-series data, so if you have had long-term involvement with a given language we encourage you to complete one form reporting the current status of the language and one form reporting its status when you first encountered or began working with the language.



    • "The material for this questionnaire has been derived from dialectal work sheets, especially from A Compilation of The Work Sheets of the Linguistic Atlas of the United States and Canada and Asociated Projects, personal inquiries, and with the invaluable aid of Dr. Zacharias Thundyil, asistant professor of English, at Northern Michigan University." (Peterson and Thundyil, 1971:4)