Areal questionnaires



  • "In the nature of our design, and our discussion, we rely heavily on Talmy's (1985) notion of lexicalization patterns, in particular his cross-linguistic discussion of systems of motion description. We are interested, for instance, in patterns of semantic conflation (that is, what other semantic information besides 'motion' may be encoded in a verb root) and patterns of semantic distribution (that is, what types of information are encoded in the different morphemes that come together to build a description of a motion event)." (Wilkins et al., 1998: 1).

  • ''This questionnaire was developed in the early 1990s for the study of concessive conditional clauses (adverbial clauses introduced by 'even if', 'whether...or', or 'wh-ever') in European languages. [...] Some of the results were published in the following paper:


  • "Where the language is spoken, its classification, a description of the corpus of data the description is based on and how much of it, when it was collected, who the principal language helpers were, etc., references to anything else written on the language, highlight the linguistically interesting features of the language." (Roberts, 1992: 1)

  • The database could be seen as a first step towards the Surrey Database of Agreement, where much more detailed criteria were employed.

    The questionnaire was developed for the ESF Eurotyp project.


  • "STEDT is a long-term linguistics research project at the University of California at Berkeley. It is directed by Professor James A. MATISOFF of Berkeley's Linguistics Department. Our goal is the publication of an etymological dictionary of Proto-Sino-Tibetan (PST), the ancestor language of the large Sino-Tibetan language family. This family includes Chinese, Tibetan, Burmese, and over 200 other languages spoken in South and Southeast Asia." (from the STEDT website)



  • ''this paper descrIbes the author's methods of handling unsophisticated informants while investigating the Teleefool language spoken by about 4000 people in the vicinity of Telefomin, Territory of New Guinea. The discussion includes several aspects of field methodology that have received scant attentIon in the literature to date: linguistic surveys, pair testing for phonology, monolingual informants, and the uses of tape recorders.'' (Healey, 1964: 1)


  • Comme il est rappelé dans le texte cité pour définir les objectifs du questionnaire, ce questionnaire a été développé pour réaliser un Atlas linguistique des parlers romans de France. Des enquêtes linguistique avaient été menées en utilisant la traduction des textes parallèles (enquêtes Coquebert de Montbret fondées sur la parabole de l'Enfant prodigue). Un Atlas linguistique de l'espace germanophone était en cours de réalisation dans l'Empire allemand.


  • The lists were published in the Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages, supported by the Smithsonian Institution's Bureau of Ethnology. The 1880 edition is a second edition; the first appeared in 1877, but consists of only the schedules and a brief introduction.
