

    • This questionnaire was distributed among contributors to an edited volume of fieldwork- and corpus-based studies on reported speech (publication planned for 2022), with the aim of maximising the coverage of phenomena in the volume and prompting various analytical judgements about pragmatic and grammatical aspects of reported speech encountered by the authors.

      Comments on the questionnaire would be very much appreciated and should you wish to share a completed questionnaire, please forward it through the email address provided in the document.


    • These storyboards were developed in the context of the MelaTAMP project, hosted at HU Berlin, funded by the German Research Foundation from 2016 to 2019. The goal of the project was to learn more about tense, aspect, modality and polarity in Oceanic languages, based on pre-existing corpus data and on additional elictations based on storyboards. A particular focus was on the realis/irrealis distinction, other work concentrated on perfect aspect, habituality, expressions of possibility and timitive/apprehensive structures.

    • These storyboards were developed in the context of the MelaTAMP project, hosted at HU Berlin, funded by the German Research Foundation from 2016 to 2019. The goal of the project was to learn more about tense, aspect, modality and polarity in Oceanic languages, based on pre-existing corpus data and on additional elictations based on storyboards. A particular focus was on the realis/irrealis distinction, other work concentrated on perfect aspect, habituality, expressions of possibility and timitive/apprehensive structures.


    • "What we call 'targeted construction storyboards' have the additional property that the story is designed to include at least one targeted context that can be used to test hypotheses about the relation between linguistic forms and that context. The storyboards thus combine the advantages of spontaneous speech with the benefit of being able to test hypotheses about particular linguistic elements or constructions.


    • The Hunting Story is a visual stimulus (Vuillermet & Desnoyers 2013). This storybook has primarily been designed to elicit "associated motion" (henceforth AM) morphology, but can be used to examine any type of co-expression of a motion and a non-motion event. The visual stimulus comes together with a document (Vuillermet, in progress) describing the visual stimulus and its goals in details, instructions how to use the storybook (i.e.


    • This resource has been created as an elicitation stimulus with similar aims to the “family problems”

      task used by the Social Cognition research group. That is, to record rich data about a wide range of

      categories relevant to psycho-social cognition.

    • "Story-builder was initiated as a Cognitive Systems 402 research project at the University of British Columbia." (Katie Sardinha,


    • ''This material was developed by Benjamin Bruening of the University of Delaware as part of a project funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (grant number BCS-0518308). The purpose of the project is to investigate the syntax of quantifiers and scope in the languages of the world. [...]


    • Le DVD Trajectoire vise à éliciter les descriptions des trajectoires parcourues par les figures (des adultes ou des enfants) par rapport à un fond (un lieu, un objet ou une personne), afin :

    • "This questionnaire was originally compiled for the 2000 East Nusantara Linguistics Workshop, held 21-23 July 2000 at the Australian National University, Canberra. The questionnaire was distributed to participants who were asked to complete it and submit their responses to the organisers prior to the workshop. The completed responses formed the basis for discussion in a day-long session. The questionnaire is based on features known or thought to occur in the languages of the East Nusantara region, which includes eastern Indonesia, East Timor, and Papua." (Florey, 2006: 1)
