

    • ''this paper descrIbes the author's methods of handling unsophisticated informants while investigating the Teleefool language spoken by about 4000 people in the vicinity of Telefomin, Territory of New Guinea. The discussion includes several aspects of field methodology that have received scant attentIon in the literature to date: linguistic surveys, pair testing for phonology, monolingual informants, and the uses of tape recorders.'' (Healey, 1964: 1)


    • "''This manual attempts to make a contribution to the solution of several problems in the area of descriptive linguistic field-work, namely, those problems arising out of the need for accepted standards for the gathering, recording and reporting of linguistic data collected in the field.

      Evidence that these poblems were more than a personal concern was given in New York City at the 1954 Annual Meetings of the Modern Language Association, where the author chaired a conference of Scholars held for the purpose of reviewing the current situation.


    • Comme il est rappelé dans le texte cité pour définir les objectifs du questionnaire, ce questionnaire a été développé pour réaliser un Atlas linguistique des parlers romans de France. Des enquêtes linguistique avaient été menées en utilisant la traduction des textes parallèles (enquêtes Coquebert de Montbret fondées sur la parabole de l'Enfant prodigue). Un Atlas linguistique de l'espace germanophone était en cours de réalisation dans l'Empire allemand.
