

    • ''This document provides a set of descriptors to be used in describing the internal structure of the noun phrase across languages. As used by the author, a descriptor is a statement like, "There is no plural marker." The author refers to a coherent set of descriptors as a "checklist", which is roughly equivalent to "questionnaire" for other authors. In addition to developing the proposed general checklist in outline, the author discusses the criteria adopted for the evaluation of typological checklists.


    • "This questionnaire was sent to all the contributors of the volume Typological Studies in Negation, edited by Kahrel and van den Berg (John Benjamins, 1994)." (Van den Berg and Kahrel, 1989: 1)


    • "This questionnaire is meant to supplement Comrie and Smith's (1977: 21—24) questionnaire concerned with semantic reflexivity and reciproc- ity, two of the meanings frequently rendered by RVs across languages. Our concern is with reflexive markers (RMs), their range of functions, existence and non-existence of particular RV types, the universal and language-specific properties of RV systems and existing RV types, and also with rivalling strategies used to express the meanings that can be rendered by RVs."  (Geniusiené, 1987: 361).


    •  ''A questionnaire primarily designed for grammar-writing, but with useful structural questions that should be addressed in the field; the Lingua Questionnaire underlies the North Holland/Croom Helm/Routledge Descriptive grammar series. This questionnaire provides the basic questions for the description of many of the constructions found in human language. A large number of grammars have been written based on the questionnaire.


    • Il s'agit d'un chapitre dans l'ouvrage Enquete et description des langues à tradition orale. (Bouquiaux and M.C. Thomas,1976).




    • ''this paper descrIbes the author's methods of handling unsophisticated informants while investigating the Teleefool language spoken by about 4000 people in the vicinity of Telefomin, Territory of New Guinea. The discussion includes several aspects of field methodology that have received scant attentIon in the literature to date: linguistic surveys, pair testing for phonology, monolingual informants, and the uses of tape recorders.'' (Healey, 1964: 1)
