Translation based


    • This questionnaire has been created during my PhD  at the LLF, Université Paris Cité (supervisor: Olivier Bonami). My thesis was about reflexive possessives. A part of my PhD thesis is dedicated to an overview of the diversity of reflexive possessives across languages. I used this questonnaire to document about a dosen of langages.



    • These storyboards were developed in the context of the MelaTAMP project, hosted at HU Berlin, funded by the German Research Foundation from 2016 to 2019. The goal of the project was to learn more about tense, aspect, modality and polarity in Oceanic languages, based on pre-existing corpus data and on additional elictations based on storyboards. A particular focus was on the realis/irrealis distinction, other work concentrated on perfect aspect, habituality, expressions of possibility and timitive/apprehensive structures.


    • This questionnaire has been developped during my postdoctoral studies (2016-2018) at the Laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage in Lyon and is still work in progress. (You can contact me at marine.vuillermet[AT] if you wish to be informed about updates lest you miss them.)


    • The rationale for the design of the Time and Space Questionnaire is outlined in the following articles:

      Sinha, Chris, Silva Sinha, Vera da, Zinken, Jörg and Sampaio, Wany (2011). When time is not space: The social and linguistic construction of time intervals and temporal event relations in an Amazonian culture. Language and Cognition 3(1): 137-169 doi 10.1515/langcog.2011.006

    • Questionnaire élaboré par le Groupe des linguistes africanistes russes, c/o Valentin Vydrin déposé par Stéphane Robert, avec l'accord de V. Vydrin, après révision du français.


    • This questionnaire was, at first, designed to be used for Javanese.

    • This questionnaire is based on a previous questionnaire made by Natalia Zevakhina, for her Ph.D Dissertation (2012), The syntax of exclamative constructions. The author "tried to construct exclamatives so that they express the emotion of surprise that [she] find[s] the most important for exclamatives research". (Zevakhina, 2014: 1)



