Word lists


    • In The Methodology of Field Investigations in Linguistics, Kibrik gives ''an approximate list of sentences for the first encounter with the lexicon and grammar of the target language'' and a wordlist for the Minimum Dictionary in appendix 4 (pp 99-124).



    • "The material for this questionnaire has been derived from dialectal work sheets, especially from A Compilation of The Work Sheets of the Linguistic Atlas of the United States and Canada and Asociated Projects, personal inquiries, and with the invaluable aid of Dr. Zacharias Thundyil, asistant professor of English, at Northern Michigan University." (Peterson and Thundyil, 1971:4)


    • This general word list was published in Practical Linguistics (Pittman, 1948: 133-137).  Pittman worked as a "Instructor in missionary linguistics, missionary in Peru" (title page) for SIL, and the book was a manual for carrying out work in missionary linguistics.

      The full scan of the book is available at Archive.org


    • Comme il est rappelé dans le texte cité pour définir les objectifs du questionnaire, ce questionnaire a été développé pour réaliser un Atlas linguistique des parlers romans de France. Des enquêtes linguistique avaient été menées en utilisant la traduction des textes parallèles (enquêtes Coquebert de Montbret fondées sur la parabole de l'Enfant prodigue). Un Atlas linguistique de l'espace germanophone était en cours de réalisation dans l'Empire allemand.


    • The lists were published in the Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages, supported by the Smithsonian Institution's Bureau of Ethnology. The 1880 edition is a second edition; the first appeared in 1877, but consists of only the schedules and a brief introduction.
