

    • "We are interested in gathering as many independent reports covering as many languages as possible, including multiple reports on the same language, which would enhance the reliability of the data and also would allow us to validate the pertinence of the questions we are asking. We are also interested to begin to create time-series data, so if you have had long-term involvement with a given language we encourage you to complete one form reporting the current status of the language and one form reporting its status when you first encountered or began working with the language.

    • It is intended to assist researchers in writing grammatical sketches of languages related to Persian.

    • It was developed to examine strategies for causativizing and decausativizing. For further discussion, see: Nichols, Johanna, David Peterson, and Jonathan Barnes. 2004. Transitivizing and detransitivizing languages. Linguistic Typology 8:149–211.


    • " Our aim is to collect relevant, quality information about each subject language included in the database. In order to accomplish this we will rely not only on your knowledge of the subject language, but also on your skills as a linguist. " (Dimitriadis and Everaert, 2002 : 1)



