

    • These storyboards were developed in the context of the MelaTAMP project, hosted at HU Berlin, funded by the German Research Foundation from 2016 to 2019. The goal of the project was to learn more about tense, aspect, modality and polarity in Oceanic languages, based on pre-existing corpus data and on additional elictations based on storyboards. A particular focus was on the realis/irrealis distinction, other work concentrated on perfect aspect, habituality, expressions of possibility and timitive/apprehensive structures.

    • These storyboards were developed in the context of the MelaTAMP project, hosted at HU Berlin, funded by the German Research Foundation from 2016 to 2019. The goal of the project was to learn more about tense, aspect, modality and polarity in Oceanic languages, based on pre-existing corpus data and on additional elictations based on storyboards. A particular focus was on the realis/irrealis distinction, other work concentrated on perfect aspect, habituality, expressions of possibility and timitive/apprehensive structures.


    • Ce kit a été développé dans le cadre de ma thèse de doctorat intitulée "Le iaai aujourd'hui: évolutions sociolinguistiques et linguistiques d'une langue kanak de Nouvelle-Calédonie" et soutenue le 11 décembre 2013 à l'Université Lumière-Lyon 2 (sous la co-direction de Colette Grinevald & Claire Moyse-Faurie). La thèse a été financée par une Bourse d'Encouragement à la Recherche Universitaire du Gouvernement de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et les terrains d'enquête par les laboratoires de tutelles : Dynamique Du Langage (UMR 5596, CNRS) & LACITO (UMR 7107, CNRS). 


    • "This questionnaire was originally compiled for the 2000 East Nusantara Linguistics Workshop, held 21-23 July 2000 at the Australian National University, Canberra. The questionnaire was distributed to participants who were asked to complete it and submit their responses to the organisers prior to the workshop. The completed responses formed the basis for discussion in a day-long session. The questionnaire is based on features known or thought to occur in the languages of the East Nusantara region, which includes eastern Indonesia, East Timor, and Papua." (Florey, 2006: 1)



    • "In the nature of our design, and our discussion, we rely heavily on Talmy's (1985) notion of lexicalization patterns, in particular his cross-linguistic discussion of systems of motion description. We are interested, for instance, in patterns of semantic conflation (that is, what other semantic information besides 'motion' may be encoded in a verb root) and patterns of semantic distribution (that is, what types of information are encoded in the different morphemes that come together to build a description of a motion event)." (Wilkins et al., 1998: 1).


    • "Where the language is spoken, its classification, a description of the corpus of data the description is based on and how much of it, when it was collected, who the principal language helpers were, etc., references to anything else written on the language, highlight the linguistically interesting features of the language." (Roberts, 1992: 1)


    • "The wordlist is published by the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies as a separate book. In its separate book form English entries constitutes a column on the left-hand side with a blank column to the right of them, with spaces left for the insertion of enties in Aboriginal languages - either different languages/dialects or individual speakers of the same language. [...]  


    • ''this paper descrIbes the author's methods of handling unsophisticated informants while investigating the Teleefool language spoken by about 4000 people in the vicinity of Telefomin, Territory of New Guinea. The discussion includes several aspects of field methodology that have received scant attentIon in the literature to date: linguistic surveys, pair testing for phonology, monolingual informants, and the uses of tape recorders.'' (Healey, 1964: 1)