Nepali-English verb list for elicitation of verbs in languages of Nepal

Author : Aimée Lahaussois

Publication date : 2015

Bibliographical references :

Hale, Austin, 1973. Clause, sentence, and discourse patterns in selected languages of Nepal, Part IV Word lists. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in linguistics and related fields, volume 40. Norman, Oklahoma: SIL.


This Nepali-English glossary of verbs can be used to elicit verbs for languages of Nepal.

Protocol summary

It is organized into semantic categories: 

- motion verbs
- body functions, grooming
- animal sounds, actions, husbandry
- agriculture
- time verbs
- meteorological verbs
- building and upkeep
- miscellaneous
- food preparation
- cooking and eating
- communication
- cognition
- emotions
- economic interaction

Development context

This verb list is extracted from a volume of word lists edited by Austin Hale. The volume was dedicated to a comparison of the languages of Nepal, and the words are presented in English, Nepali and then in a few minority languages of Nepal (Jirel, Sherpa, Sunwar, Khaling, Newari, Chepang). The volume can be found at the following URL:

The verbs in the list are from page ranges: 70-91, 106-111, 121-127, 138-141, 152-163, 172-189, 198-201, 222-243, 256-271, 305-307

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